Payday advances are very useful which is why so many people apply for such loans. However, one often finds that one month is too short a time to ask for repayment. Hence, lenders are making available 12 month loans which can be obtained in the shortest time.
- Anyone can apply for 1 year loans as long as they are UK citizens of over 18 years of age. One can gain an amount of money till up to £1000 for a whole year’s time. Thus there is no stress regarding repayment.
- Those with bad credit who often have a hard time applying for loans can apply for 12 month payday loans easily. Lenders such as FLM loans do not conduct credit checks so one can get easy loans.
- On just has to fill in a form to obtain 12 month loans no credit check. Lenders then contact him through email to help him with loan deals. He can choose 12 month loans which are provided at minimal rates.
- Quick approval is granted for no guarantor loans and one can gain his cash in just a few hours time. With less paperwork and no delays, one would always be able to fix any financial problems he may face.